If it has more, you are still safe (you bet eleven 3's and are there are fourteen 3's). When betting, the table has to have at LEAST the number of dice that you bet for you to be safe. Although they can only see their own dice, they are betting for ALL player's dice. In turn, each player then makes a bet on how many of a specific dice face are on the table. Players keep their now rolled dice secret from everyone but themselves. Each round, players roll their dice inside of their cup and then quickly flip the cup down on to the table. To play, you need 1 cup per player and 5 six-sided dice per player. The game is a mix of strategy, chance and bluffing your opponents. Liar's Dice is an exceptionally popular game played all throughout Lancerus. 3.1 Common Gambling Method with the Whither Rules.2.1 Common Gambling Method with the King's Rules.